This office has closed.


Thank you very much for your support!  This has been an exciting chapter of my life.  I’ve had the opportunity to make some very novel legal arguments (every once in a while even winning one), travel around the country to speak on some issues I care deeply about, and perhaps most importantly, start animal law groups at my law school, city bar and state bar, with the genuine hope that others will be able to get farther down the road than one can get when you have to spend most of your energy just forging the path.  Now it is time for me to move on (which will likely include advocating for animals in some form, although not exactly sure what yet) and for the next generation of animal lawyers to hopefully expand and improve the law even farther for future generations of attorneys (and animals!) to come.


If you are looking for an animal law attorney in Chicago, Anna Morrison Ricordati has been doing a terrific job picking up before I even left off.  You can also try the Chicago Bar Association (the animal law committee page is restricted to members only) or the Illinois State Bar Association animal law section.  I’m going to leave the rest of my website and blog up for a while, which contain various links to other animal law attorneys and bars around the country.


Best wishes,

Amy A. Breyer


“Never give in, never give in, never; never; never; never – in nothing, great or small, large or petty – never give in except to convictions of honor and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.” Winston Churchill, October 29, 1941